We are proud to announce the second issue of the journal Marxism & Sciences

8 september 2022

In our project, Marxism and Science & Technology we use the historical materialist outlook as a starting point, but want to dig deeper. Following critically Marx and Engels and their hope for a scientific socialism, we want to better understand the intricacies of models and theories and their applicability and capacity for forecasting. A central feature is a critical analysis of the highly abstract and mathematical theories of the natural sciences, their contingencies and successes. You can find the project here on this web site.

SOC21 closely collaborates with the journal Marxism & Sciences to foster international discussions and research on the furthering of Marxism.
You can check the contents of journal issue 1 and 2 as well as a list of papers in press at marxismandsciences.org

In progress

Volume 2- Issue 1, Winter 2023
Foundations of Marxism-II: Ilyenkovian Contributions
In press for this issue:
Joost Kircz: Time=Money: The notion of the Ideal applied to physics.
Alexander Surmava: Marxism: from ideology to science (Ewald Ilyenkov and his contribution to Marxist thought).
Corinna Lotz: A theory and practice of cognition for our time.

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